Eastern European Missions
The Missions

Youth Camp
Before the fall of the Iron Curtain, generations of young people were indoctrinated with the communist ideology. This was done partly through the pioneer youth camps. Nearly a million children each year still go to these summer camps but of course, communism is no longer taught. In fact, the leadership of the Ukrainian national youth camp organization has asked Eastern European Mission to bring teams of Christians into all of their 500 youth camps. They have also asked us to bring and teach the Bible. In 2006 as a response to the invitation, EEM developed a program to form teams to go into the youth camps in Ukraine and to take and teach the Bible to the children and staff. EEM works with officials in Ukraine to select which camps to attend and then provides training and translators for the teams that will go to those camps, as well as other needed services. The same camps that taught communism now want the Bible.